One of the most important things you can do to increase your client portfolio, to promote and ensure the success of your firm or services in the marketplace is to develop an effective branding strategy. A brand strategy is used to effectively differentiate your firm or expertise from the competition, add value, promote consumer loyalty, and increase referrals.
The best branding strategy has a zero sum of who you are versus who you say you are and who your target customers say you are. Its also a zero sum of what you do versus what you say you do and what your target market says you do. A brand strategy has a DIRECT impact on your law firm’s bottom line, especially in the long term. Loss of revenue or increase in revenue can be traced through the various touch points on your firm’s branding strategy as shown in diagram 2 below. Lack of a branding strategy results in the inability to control your firm’s profitability especially in the long term.
Here is an overview of the brand strategy formulation process:
From carrying out the brand strategy formulation, you get to create your Value Proposition, you define your target market. The diagram below shows the full process, the inputs, the outputs and possible results.