Freeport and the Suharto Regime, 1965-1998 - Author(s): Denise Leith

In functioning democratic economies a structural balance must be found between state and capital. In Suharto's autocratic state, however, a third variable upset this equation: patronage. By using access to resources and business as the major lubricant of his patronage style of leadership Suharto actively encouraged the involvement...

Jul 201818


It has been suggested that to understand fascism we first need to explain its relationship to the commodity form as a structured social practice which conditions the ways in which reality is understood. As a social form, the commodity is independent of its material content, implying that ‘value’...

Jul 201816

FASCISM AND POLITICAL THEORY [Critical perspectives on fascist ideology]

This study is intended as a critical introduction to the origins and development of fascist ideology, and will be of interest to students and researchers working in the fields of politics, history and historical sociology. The aim is to consolidate students’ theoretical understanding, and to help students acquire...

Jul 201816

Global Energy Markets: Challenges and Opportunities – Energy Vision for 2050 [Journal]

Increasing energy prices – especially for oil and gas – and recent geopolitical conflicts have reminded us of the essential role affordable energy plays in economic growth and human development and of the vulnerability of the global energy system to supply disruptions. To secure energy supplies is once...

Mei 201823