HANNAH ARENDT (1906—1975)

Hannah Arendt is a twentieth century political philosopher whose writings do not easily come together into a systematic philosophy that expounds and expands upon a single argument over a sequence of works. Instead, her thoughts span totalitarianism, revolution, the nature of freedom and the faculties of thought and judgment.
The question with which Arendt engages most frequently is the nature of politics and the political life, as distinct from other domains of human activity. Arendt’s work, if it can be said to do any one thing, essentially undertakes a reconstruction of the nature of political existence.

George Herbert Mead

George Herbert Mead (1863–1931), American philosopher and social theorist, is often classed with William James, Charles Sanders Peirce, and John Dewey as one of the most significant figures in classical American pragmatism. Dewey referred to Mead as “a seminal mind of the very first order” (Dewey, 1932, xl). Yet by the middle of the twentieth-century, Mead's prestige was greatest outside of professional philosophical circles. He is considered by many to be the father of the school of Symbolic Interactionism in sociology and social psychology, although he did not use this nomenclature. Perhaps Mead's principal influence in philosophical circles occurred as a result of his friendship with John Dewey. There is little question that Mead and Dewey had an enduring influence on each other, with Mead contributing an original theory of the development of the self through communication.

Auguste Marie Francois Xavier Comte

Auguste Comte merupakan seorang tokoh brilian yang disebut sebagai peletak dasar sosiologi. Comte melihat hasil dari Revolusi Prancis cenderung ke arah reorganisasi masyarakat secara besar-besaran. Menurut Auguste Comte, reorganisasi masyarakat hanya dapat berhasil jika orang mengembangkan cara berpikir yang baru tentnag masyarakat.

Comte memperkenalkan metode positif, yaitu hukum mengenai urutan gejala-gejala sosial. Auguste Comte memperkenalkan hukum 3 stadia (tahap), yaitu Tahap Teologis, Tahap Metafisik dan Tahap Positif.


  1. Robert E. Park (1864-1944) Teori Pendekatan Ekologi, 
  2. George Herbert Mead (1863-1931) Manusia sebagai makhluk kreatif, 
  3. Charles H. Cooley (1864-1929) Interaksionalisme Simbolis,
  4. B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) Sosiologi Hebaviorisme, 
  5. Talcott Parsons (1902-1979) Funggsionalisme, 
  6. Max Horkheimer (1895-1973) Teori kritis, 
  7. Alfred Schutz (1899-1959) Pengalaman sehari-hari, 
  8. Herbert Blumer (1990-1987) Teori Makna, 
  9. George Casper Homans (1910-1989) Sosilogi Mikro, 
  10. Robert K. Merton (1910-2003) Struktur dan Fungsi, 
  11. Lewis A. Coser (1913 - ….) Arkeologi fungsi-fungsi konflik, 
  12. C Wright Mills (1910-1962) Sosilogi yang menggugat masyarakat, 
  13. Peter M. Blau (1918-2002) Pertukaran Sosial, 
  14. Rondall Collins (1941-…..) Interaksi Sosial, Konflik, Kekuasaan, dan Distribusi Sumber, 
  15. Ralf Dahrendorf (1929-…..) Konflik wewenang yang mengganti konflik klas, 
  16. Peter L. berger: Mengkompromikan Pendekatan Sosiologi, 
  17. Harold Garfinkel (1929-….) Sosiologi dan bahasa, 
  18. Erving Goffman (1922-1982) Panggung dan Perangkat Interaksi Sosial, 
  19. Ali Syai’ati (1933-1977) revologi sebagai Sisilogi Konflik, 
  20. Antonny Giddens (1938-…..) Teori Strukturasi.

Interpreting Islam in American Schools: Author(s) Susan L. Douglass and Ross E. Dunn


Interpreting Islam in American Schools: Author(s) Susan L. Douglass and Ross E. Dunn

Rethinking Islam Today: Author(s) Mohammed Arkoun



Teologi pembebasan sendiri mengandung dua aspek. Pertama adalah aspek spiritualisme yang dalam teori Marx tergolong ke dalam konsep “kesadaran”.Aspek kedua, adalah aspek sosial, yaitu tentang pembebasan. Tetapi bedanya dengan Sosialisme ilmiah Marxis adalah jika epistemologi Marxis adalah materialisme.Sementara itu epistemologi Teologi Pembebasan adalah idealisme Hegel, dimana roh atau kesadaran manusia menentukan kondisi. Perbedaannya dengan pendekatan ekonomi legal atau syariat adalah, bahwa dalam ekonomi legal, kondisi dibentuk oleh hukum. Sedangkan dalam Teologi Pembebasan, kesadaran manusia dalam praxis ketuhanan, menggerakkan masyarakat menciptakan transformasi, yaitu pembebasan manusia dari kondisi perbudakan dan kemiskinan.....

Egypts Socialism and Marxist Thought-Some Preliminary Observations on Social Theory and Metaphysic

Since 1952  the elaboration of Egyptian  ideology has constituted a source of  conflict between the regime and the  left/right opposition.  In  trying to capture the ideological center, the regime has inevitably drawn itself into the maelstrom of  public  contention  characterized by mass  conformity, intimidation,  purges,  arrests, show  trials  and  incarceration of  all  who fundamentally  question  the  principles  of  the  leadership.  Democratic cooperative socialism  ('Arab socialism')  is the official  ideology, and a spate of books and articles have been published on its significance  for Egyptian politics. Despite all these efforts, confusion  still  tends  to  reign over  this concept, both among Egyptians  themselves, and outsiders  studying  it.......